Thursday, February 10, 2011


In 2ND grade Abbey was excepted into a school program named S.E.A.R.C.H.
Seeking Excellence and Reaching Challenging Heights.
Interestingly enough Abbey made it into the program on her math scores. They tested her at the end of 1st grade. At this point she read on a 6Th/7Th grade level. For accuracy, speed and comprehension. We had to really pray about it, it costs extra on top of tuition. In the end we realized the sacrifice on our part was worth her getting the education that meets her potential. Aaaah, parenting:)

Only 2 girls in her class made it. The other little girl has become a good friend to Abbey. The fun part is each quarter they study different subjects. She is with kids all the way up to 6th grade. Every Thursday, she is pulled from class to attends Search. This particular quarter was Animal Kingdoms, or something to that affect. They each were able to adopt an animal and name it. I think they gave the zoo a donation and each kid gets a certificate of adoption.
These are her school colors, blue and yellow.

Sadly, I still had 2 kids at home, 1 half day. Plus I began working every Wed. at our church. They take field trips each 1/4. I was heartbroken and torn. I sent her alone. Que Sobs!!! She loaded the bus all alone as a second grader. The smallest on bus and sat with the teacher. I missed out. Here she is tagging along with a friend. She tells me now, how hard that was for her. I can't be everywhere at once. Sometimes I just can't find a sitter.
Some of the field trips you can bring siblings. If you pay and drive separate. Anyhow. . .

I want to post her first SEARCH assignment from this year. SHE DESIGNED and PRODUCED SOMETHING.
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1 comment:

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Awesome! Abbey is so cute! I know what you mean about not being able to go on trips and stuff with the kids. I haven't been able to do anything in Logan's class this year, mostly because of's sad :(