Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bible Study!

For some reason I thought we began Bible Study in the summer '10 but I have it in my folder from Spring.
I always looked forward to the day when I could teach my girls how to study God's Word. I began with teaching then the Inductive Method. I bought this huge white board for our playroom. Which we now refer to as our library, due to the accumulation of books and teaching tools. Here are the girls bright and early one morning ready with excitement to begin.
(Em sleeps later than the rest of us, hence her Jammie's. Alas, at this point I had not finished our wall gallery)

The study was over Em's head . Although she has an uncanny memorization ability. She rattled off the Greek words and meanings faster than Ab and I. She picked them up just by listening.

We looked at James 1:2. The Greek word for trials is "peirasmos" ( pi-ras-mos)= to put to the test.

"A trial is a hard time that God allows to happen to us for our good. Ex. If one of your friends is mean to you, that would be a trial. God could use that trial to help you remember to be kind to others." ~An Excerpt~pg. 10

We also learned the word for persevere is "hupomeno" ( hoop-om-en-o)= to stay, to remain under load or pressure.

Our first Bible Study book together as a family was written By Kay Ar*thur and Janna Ard*nt.
It is an Inductive Bible Study Series for Kids. "Discover 4 Yourself"
We worked through the book: "Boy, Have I Got Problems!"
A Study on James.
(Since then Ab has completed 1 &1/books more. -Due also to a program at church. Another post-. She absolutely loves them. I would highly recommend them for this age through grade 5. I am praying studying/reading God's Word becomes a way of life for them. In which starting younger, like anything else, subjects grow along with them. So that when they are young adults the disciplines are not new to them. I can attest- she lays in bed at night or early morning with her notebook and color pencils, all on her own now. No prodding from me. I love it!!)
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1 comment:

Dianne said...

So PROUD of ALL of you!!